Family In His Fullness

Main Text | Gen 2:8-15 | By Pastor Simpson

A family dwelling in the fullness of God is a family that is rooted in the foundation built by God, a family that worships God in Spirit and in truth, a family that dominates etc. 

Adam and Eve were created by God to fill the earth and subdue it. In other words, they were to have a family that would be in control, a family that would fellowship with God day and night.

A family dwelling in the fullness of God enjoy certain packages or blessings if you like. In other words, God has prepared special packages for the family to enjoy in His fullness. Let's briefly look at some of them.

God's package for the family to enjoy in His Fullness
  • Your family is named after God Eph. 3:15. In other words, your family is a subset of heaven. A subset family is a people God has chosen for Himself.
  • Your Family is Blessed and Commanded to be fruitful. God's package for us as a family is to be fruitful.
  • Your Family is commanded to subdue and have dominion over the earth. As a christian or family, you have to dominate. It is your responsibility. You dominate by understanding and by unity. The only person that can stop a family from dominating is God. And God will only stop you when you are against His purpose.
  • Your family has been promised defence,  Isaiah 49:25. When God chooses to fight for you, who can contend with you or your family? No one!
  • Redemption - Your family is redeemed or saved from condemnation.
  • Your family's physical and material needs are adequately provided for. Before man was created, God first made provision for man. Man lost that provision but Christ came to restore it. You should have this in mind that no family that looks unto God has the right to lack.
We have seen the special packages for dwelling in the fullness of God as a family. Now let's see the limitations or things preventing our families from enjoying the fullness of God.

Limitations to our families enjoying the fullness of God
  • Associating with unbelievers, people that have the potential to ruin your family. You must be unequally yoked to unbelievers. What has light got to do with darkness? 
  • Division within the family, Matthew 12:25. A family not united cannot achieve anything.
  • Disobedience to Instruction, Isaiah 1:19. Follow instructions to enjoy the fullness of God. One of which is - Husbands love your wives, cleave to your wives, and wives submit to your husbands.
  • Unbelief, Heb. 11:6. Without Faith it is impossible to please God.
To conclude, for any family to enjoy the fullness of God, they must live in the knowledge of the fullness and the packages which have been discussed.


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