Mission Support

Support the propagation of the gospel of salvation

You can actually participate in spreading the word of God. The harvest is plenty but the labourers are few (Bible verse to support). There are so many missionaries out their in remote and isolated settings seeking your support and encouragement.
The church needs more hands, we need you. You can support us via different ways:
  • Your prayers
  • Your time
  • Material Donations (food items, clothes, toileteries, beddings etc) and lastly but not the least;
  • Cash donations.
Which ever way you wish to support us you are always welcome. In doing this, you are increasing your treasures in heaven and adding to your crown of glory. Your reward ofcourse is not exclusive to the afterlife, abundance of blessings are also yours to enjoy here on earth. Our prayer is that even as you reach out to these souls you will continually lend to nations like Abraham. God bless you.
To make a material donation or you wish to contact us , check below the footer of this page for our contact details.Below are our Bank and account details in case you want to make cash payments:
Account name
Account number
Account name
Account number
Note: You can also make your tithe, special offerings and first fruit offerings' payment in these accounts.

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