Prayer Altar

By Pastor Simpson Eimiakhena | Main text: 1 Thessalonians 5:15-18

Everyone needs a divine encounter. You must build an altar of prayer if you need a divine encounter from God. Prayer is the fire that keeps the altar burning.
Prayer is the key to all situations.
When asking from God you must not ask amiss becuase that is what most of us do.

What is your purpose of asking? God answers prayers but He doesn't answer some because we ask amiss. Some other times God does not answer prayers, He chooses to loose the battle so He can win the war for you

3 types of altar
1. Personal altar (Your heart, soul and spirit) John 4:24
2. Family altar Mark 1:35, Matthew 18:19
3. Congregational altar

Prayer points:

- Oh Lord, have mercy upon me

- Oh Lord, every yoke that the enemy has put upon my life i rebuke in Jesus name.

- Oh Lord, by your stripes i am healed

- Every cause of impossibility in my life i rebuke it in Jesus name

-Nothing shall be impossible in my life according to the word of God

- Oh Lord, every seed of impossibility in my life be uprooted and destroyed

- I refuse to give up becuase i can do all things through Christ that strengthens me

- I command all spiritual ropes,chains binding my life to be broken in Jesus name

- I release myself from collective captivity of family and community

- Oh Lord, from today onwards, i step into my success

- I resist you spirit of discouragement

- Give thanks to God for restoring all you have lost


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