Who's the Lazarus in your door step?

By Pastor Simpson

Text: Luke 16:19-31

This is a familiar topic as we all know the story - The Rich man and Lazarus. One thing we should not confuse our minds with from this story is the idea that riches or wealth is a bad thing or having riches would take us to hell. There is nothing wrong with riches but its the riches that's outside the word of God that there is problem with. The rich man was wealthy but he failed to put his wealth to good use. He did not use his wealth to help the haggard ragged robed hungry man called Lazarus who was outside his door steps just waiting to feed on the rich man's waste like a dog. Lazarus was at this man's door step feeding on crumbs until he died.

Both men eventually died. A red carpet was set for Lazarus and the angels became his usher who sent him to Abraham's bosom. I want you to know that the red carpet of this world does not matter. The glory does not last but that of God is eternal. May the red carpet of God be set for you in the end in Jesus name, Amen. 

The rich man died just like Lazarus but when he was to transcend, there was no announcement, no red carpet. He was sent straight to the place of condemnation. That will not be your portion in Jesus name, Amen. The rich man continued in his stupidity even after death by calling on Abraham instead of calling on God. And he was still asking Abraham to send Lazarus as if Lazarus was a servant.

  • True Holiness - Luke 16:15. God is not looking at the rich man because he's rich or the poor man because he's poor. God's interest lies on their holiness. He's judging them by their holiness through their deeds on earth. Lazarus' holiness qualified him for Abraham's bosom (everlasting paradise) while the rich man's unholiness took him to the other divide (a place of eternal damnation). That will not be your portion in Jesus name.
  • Humility - Luke 14:11. The rich man was very arrogant. God elevates the humble and dethrones the proud and arrogant just like we saw in this story.
  • Riches and the duty of failing to help the poor - The crux of this topic lies in this lesson. The rich man had the full capacity to meet the needs of Lazarus yet he neglected this duty. It is our duty to help the poor as Christians especially if God has endowed you with riches. Failing to help the poor is a sin against God especially if you find yourself in a position to help and you refuse to help.
 One principle of divine blessing or riches is - helping the poor. When you give to the poor you are lending to God. And God in turn blesses you. I'm not talking of the type of giving where you want the whole world to know that you are a good person, that you are giving. You want the pastor to notice you, or you want people to call you good names whereas you are completely opposite of what you seem. That is not giving at all.

The act of giving or helping others does not come from what you have but from your value system, what you strongly believe in. You have to have the yearning, desire, will and ability before you can give. It is an innate thing. The Lord will give you insight and divine inspiration in Jesus name, Amen. This period of recession is where God will bless and increase you. Say amen to that.

It is very important to give to the poor or needy. If you give to the poor, you have lent to the Lord. You are actually making deposits into your heavenly account when you give to the poor. The rich man was bankrupt on his heavenly account and therefore had nothing to hold on to when he crossed to the other side unlike Lazarus whose spiritual account was filled. When Lazarus died, pains, anguish, lack, sufferings, sorrows, hunger etc disappeared and were replaced with joy, satisfaction, plenty, happiness, comfort etc.

To conclude, it is of paramount importance to give to the poor and needy. But it is the grace and mercy of God that sustains us. That is why He easily forgives us when we call on him for mercy. And one thing that can truncate Gods grace at work in our lives is unforgiveness. We must learn to forgive so that God's grace would be at work in our life. You will find it hard to give or help the poor and needy when your heart is filled with unforgiveness. Have a merciful and forgiving heart, learn to give.


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