Soldier of the Cross

By Pastor Simpson | Text: 2nd Timothy 2:1-7

To better understand this teaching today 'soldier of the cross' , it is important to know who a soldier is or what it takes to be a soldier.

Qualities of a Soldier

  1. A soldier is a tough person. A soldier goes through tough situations or weather. He or she can withstand tough terrains.
  2. A soldier is armed. He or she is fully armed, carries weapons wherever he or she goes.
  3. A soldier is trained to kill. He or she is not the police that is trained to shoot to wound and capture an enemy alive. A soldier is trained to shoot to kill target enemies. They are not to be messed with.
  4. A soldier is disciplined. He or she is not entangled with worldly affairs or pleasure.
  5. A soldier operates in accordance to the orders of his/her superior(s).
  6. A soldier is faithful to the call's oath.
  7. A soldier puts his/her life in the battle line. They are ready to die for their country.
A true Christian is a soldier of the cross. It's just unfortunate that what we have today are not soldiers but civilians of the cross. The book of John 15:16 makes us understand that once you accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, you've been recruited as a soldier of the cross.

A soldier must be ready to suffer, involved in military activities, and be ready to go to war. A soldier of the cross battles in the spiritual realm. He wrestles not against flesh and blood like the worldly soldier does but fights against spiritual wickedness in high places, against principalities and powers and against rulers of darkness of this world. That is why as a soldier of the cross you should be prepared. How do you prepare? By putting on the WHOLE ARMOUR of God so that you will be able to stand against the wiles of the devil, Ephesians 6:11-12.

As a soldier of the cross, you have the word of God and the name of Jesus - the name above every other name. So why do you now contract other soldiers (pastors) to fight for you when you are already equipped. If we that call ourselves Christians cannot pray to fight the operations of the devil in our lives or church or we cannot fight for the promises of God to manifest in our lives, then we are nothing but bloody civilians.

How do you Know a civilian soldier?
  • He or she rely on others to pray for them.
  • He or she is a quitter. In other words, gives up easily when face with challenges.
To conclude i'll leave you with ways it is expected that a soldier of the cross should live -
  • Resist the devil. Resist the devil because it is an authority from the father that has recruited us, James 1:7.
  • Flee from all appearance of evil
  • Flee idolatry. Anything that would divert your attention from God can lead to the sin of idolatry, 1st Corinthians 10:14.
  • Be sober, be vigilant and be watchful 24/7, Colossians 3:2.
  • Demonstrate the true love of God.
  • As true soldiers of the cross, we must put the attribute of God into play in our lives. The attributes of love, joy, peace, meekness, patience, kindness, goodness, etc.
Are you a soldier of the cross or a civilian of the cross? Make the wise choice and join the winning side today. Come to Christ now. His arms' wide open.


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