Learning from Esther

By Dcns Christie | Main text: Esther 4

Hadasa also known as Esther was a slave girl that became queen instead of Vashti. Vashti, former queen and wife to King Ahasuerus was thrown out of the kingdom because of pride but that is not the focus of the message. Our attention is on Esther.

Esther, a jewish girl and orphan in captivity who lived with her uncle Mordecai time took the place of Vashti and saved her people from being destroyed. The tides turned around for her from bad to Good. That would be your portion in Jesus name.

Esther's life was taking shape but Haman came into the picture to destroy her and her people. We know the story, she overcame and saved her people.

There are three broad lessons to learn from Esther:

  1.  The lesson of Grace - The word "God" was never mentioned in the book of Esther but God was at work. "Grace is God qualifying the unqualified"
  2. The lesson of Sacrifice - The Jewish people sacrificed merriments for three days fasting and prayer. There is a saying that nothing good comes cheap. Sacrifice is like a bedrock for grace to stand.
  3. Don't take circumstances thrown at you - Sometimes you need to fight back. I do not mean carry physical weapons to fight but spiritual waepons.

Four tips to take out from the learning about Esther.

  • God has a plan for every man Esther 4:14
  • Satan also has a plan for man. John 10:10 - In trhe learning of esther, the enemy wanted to destroy the jewish nation. But the people went on to pray and fast and God changed their circumstance for Good
  • You have a choice - Av choice to do nothing or a choiuce of faith which oinvolves sacrifice, obedience to God , beiong Courageous.
  • God has the answer - He will defend His own. If only you will allow God, He will do the miraculous.

Conclusion - God's message to you today is one of encouragemnet, one of celebration and one of life. Halleluyah!


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