Principles of Divine Provision

By Pastor Simpson | Main Text: 1st Kings 17
God, who is the the great provider and giver of rain could decide to withdraw his provisions and replace it with lack, suffering, hunger and starvation.
From our text, Elijah commanded that there would be no rain and it was so. Thus the people entered into a period of famine - a time of suffering and severe hunger. It was so severe that people had to make agreements to feed on their children just to survive.
In our own time, we say we are experiencing recession. Recession can be likened today as suffering in the land. The question is what brings about recession? One thing that can bring suffering in the land is when the rain and dew ceases. We should note here that God does not discriminate which is why in the first place He allows rain to fall on the wicked and the righteous. Even when He ceases the rain both the righteous and the wicked suffer only that He always makes a way out for the righteous.
So why did God decide to withdraw rain from the land? The answer is not far fetched. He did so because the people withdrew their hearts from God and gave it to foreign gods. This is the same reason why we are where we are today. We have given our hearts to the riches (oil) God blessed us with, and neglected God .
Too much riches make people forget God. Leaders, politicians, economists, etc have all failed because they have failed to involve God in all they do.
Principles to Survive in Scarcity
- Do not worry or be afraid. God knows your every need before you tell Him and He makes sure He meets those needs. Matthew 6:30-31.
- Obedience to the word of God. Blessings comes through obedience. !st Kings 17:3-4.
- Your Faith will be tested. At every point in time God wants to test your faith. As a child of God, your faith would always be tested and when you overcome, greater rewards await. An example is Abraham.
- Use financial provisions for God's purpose and not personal gains. Many of us today suffer because when God bless us we use it for our selfish gains. We want to build houses, buy properties etc forgetting that there are people who are so poor and hungry out there, people who are sick and need attention, people who are naked and need clothing etc. When you use God's blessings to fulfill God's purpose, you'll never lack because God would continually provide for you to do more.
- Put God first. Put God first in all that you do because that's the only way you can be guaranteed of divine success.
- Bless others. Prosperity means ability to fulfill God's blessing and to bless others in your life.
- Hold on to God. To prosper in this period of recession, you must hold on to God.
In summary, to survive in this period of lack, hunger and starvation, you must live a holy life. The bible says the Lord is not deaf that He cannot hear us neither is His hand short that He cannot reach to us only that our sins are what separates Him from us. Live a righteous life and give - for it is the secret of financial prosperity.
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